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Old 08-12-2013, 05:53 AM   #28
Old Bunyip
Antagonistic Antagonist
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: South Australia
Posts: 22
It seems my biggest mistake was to email Zen joyously to tell him I had joined the Cellar and what my name was.

You were all so welcoming, but as soon as Zen had a hissy fit, I was the one in the shit. I did not know that family members may not join...or is it any blood relative? I know there are spouses on here.

I have been very unhappy about it all. I had long wanted to be part of your community. Zen rarely contacts me, so "having a cuppa" and sorting it out is unlikely, even if I tried.

I thought I could come to the Cellar as an adult in my own right. Where do you think Zen got his sense of humour, wordplay and a bit of his intellect? I don't care if he has a shed full of dead hobos...he lives his own life without me censoring him.

I'm sorry that he has said he has left, for your sakes, but don't take it out on me. It was his choice. Our relationship has been as two adults, not mother and son, for most of his life and he has made his own choices without me interfering.

Please don't blame me for what has happened, I was quite hurt that some Cellar people, so supportive in many ways, allowed their anger at his choice to spill onto me.

So I have found another place to go, where crazy travelers like I am fit in.
Love many. Trust few.
Always paddle your own canoe
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