Thread: Poop bags
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Old 08-28-2013, 06:15 AM   #10
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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I'd rather people didn't pick it up than pick it up and fling the bag somewhere.

What's the point? It just ends up cluttering the place up for even longer than had they left the crap where it was in the first place.

But, ya know what else stinks about poop bags?

They go into the rubbish dumps, and quite a lot of them end up in the recycling piles. And then those piles get sent off to some place (maybe a region of India) where a village of people will trawl through it for a living.

We keep out kiddies safe from the dangers of dogmuck and then send it somewhere for small children to pick through it.
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