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Old 08-30-2013, 07:55 AM   #15
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Seattle
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Kind of like how the cops can but don't arrest you for driving one mile per hour over the posted speed limit. What is the federal penalty for possession of one ounce of marijuana anyway? Be unimpressed, it is still a big deal announcement, a public announcement by the federal government. Despite your cynicism, you rely on the government to keep its word. That's why scandals like the nsa's extralegal spying is such a scandal in the first place. Because they do something they said they wouldn't do.

Regardless, you and I have no defense against being swept up, dope or no dope, witness stop and frisk. We just hope and expect them to respect our wishes and keep their word.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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