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Old 09-11-2013, 08:44 AM   #9569
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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thanks peeps.

I'm feeling better so far this morning. hope it continues. Horror stories on the interwebz indicate i have a long road...but everyone is different.

Ali, it's an SSRI...has been extremely effective for me for years. When i had my 19th Nervous Breakdown in the spring, they upped my dosage one again. i'm on almost the highest dosage prescribed. I've always known that just missing one day can make me sick. I'm cold turkey now yes, because of losing my job and subsequntly my insurance and it's very expensive. But i should have some money coming soon, and i will then decide if I'm through the woods (I hope) or if i will just go back on the damn stuff and taper off with doc's care.

I really reaaly appreciate the kind offer of moola but i really really don't want anyone doing that and i would not feel right accepting it. I am indebted to many, and indebted in many ways ('good' debt and bad) and i couldn't bear accepting that sort of help. But it's very kind of you to offer.

Mom is home again. I haven't checked in yet this morning. Perhaps this is a bad time to be enduring withdrawal but I'm playing this one day at a time.

Again, thanks everyone. I was a ball of hysteria yesterday. Just google 'effexor withdrawal" and you'll get a ore complete picture of how insidious this is. The extremely short half life is partly to blame...and other SSRIs do not 'replace' to help because the withdrawal has very little to do with the seratonin issue.

I mean, what about when the apocalypse comes? I'm supposed to fight zombies in this state? i can't just 'assume' the zombies won't loot all the drugstore, and my energied would better be used for combat and hiding and the like...not trying to find the nearest CVS. My druthers are to quit it for good. If my depression kixks my ass again there may be newer treatments i haven't yet tried.

Last edited by infinite monkey; 09-11-2013 at 08:49 AM.
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