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Old 09-19-2013, 04:31 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
Are you still naive enough to believe that personal sexual information you give to your doctor, required by the federal government, will be kept private?

Define "private".

And what kind of personal information, sexual or otherwise, do you think is being disseminated? Who is getting what information? Who is getting it and shouldn't be getting it? Naturally, if you have a sexual secret, unless you're doing it *alone*, someone else already knows about it. Then, let's say you tell your doctor. That's three. When does it cease to be a secret, when is it no longer private?

It seems to me that you're arguing against the application of the law, by defunding it, because patients will have to reveal sexual information to their doctors who will not keep it private. That's your argument, right?

Your argument is invalid; your appeal to fear (page 26) does not support your conclusion. Since your argument is invalid (as it stands, I welcome your attempts to improve it), I do not accept your conclusion to withdraw my support for Obamacare.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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