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Old 10-02-2013, 12:00 PM   #111
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Originally Posted by Jesus View Post
You actually have that the wrong way round. The Dems have reached out 16/17 times to go to conference in the past 6 months over the budget. Each time the tealiban wing of the party refused to allow any negotiation because it's all or nothing with them, and each fight is yet another conservative purity test.

Not really sure how you can accuse the dems of wanting to take your liberties. Remind me again which president introduced the patriot act?

I'm not sure whether you actually believe this nonsense or whether you're just entrenched in your political idealogies, and spend too much time in front of Faux noise.
Oh yes! The Democrats are MORE than willing to cut expenditures based on official projections, sometime in the future.

Cut! Cut! Cut!!

Just like they did for Bush Sr., (ruining his hopes for re-election), Reagan, Bush Jr., and every other President who wanted to cut spending.

Then they don't ACTUALLY cut the spending when the promised time arrives. We've seen it so many times over the last several administrations, it's quite the norm now.

A lot of the Republicans would like to meet with the Senate Democrats, and work on SOMETHING to get this shutdown shut off, but now, when it's most critical, the Senate won't meet with them.

Their former offer was a sham - they cut next to nothing, and refused to honor most of what they agree to. Now that there is real pressure, and they'd have to REALLY negotiate - probably with the press actually taking notes of what was being done - they want nothing to do with it.

I understand. Obamacare is Obama's signature law, and the Democrats legacy this term. They certainly don't want to delay it.

Boehner by the way, didn't want to fight over Obamacare. He said that many months ago. Unfortunately, Obamacare is so unpopular, the hard line Republicans demanded he take a stand on it.

Several years back, Boehner was demoted from the leadership position he held in the House, because he didn't really listen to the people he was leading. He has (quite remarkably), worked his way now, into the top position in the House. This time, he is listening to those Republican Representatives, when he needs to.

If the Senate Democrats can't agree to negotiate with the House Republicans, we need someone from the Executive Branch to break the deadlock here, and get some negotiating going, once again.

It's hard to negotiate though with Harry Reed. Don't know if you're familiar with the guy, but he's a lot like Nancy ("food stamps are a great stimulus to the economy" Pelosi - everything has to be her/his way, or it's the highway. There's very little innate flexibility in either of them. And their incendiary comments have not helped calm the emotions down, one bit.

Reed is not one of those guys that you want to see get a kick in the butt, he's one of the guys that YOU want to kick in the butt, but you can't - because the altar boy or priest, kicked him first.
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