Thread: shot dead in DC
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Old 10-04-2013, 05:47 PM   #17
Perry Winkle
Esnohplad Semaj Ton
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: A little south of sanity
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Originally Posted by sexobon View Post
Yes, yes of course, thank you for making all so doable. We argue for universal, unconditional support, elimination of poverty, and the end to all wars. Pie in the sky arguments are saving lives everyday dontcha know.
Don't patronize me. I never said unconditional support, elimination of poverty or the end to all wars.

I think it's better to set lofty goals and take baby steps toward them than to give up and dehumanize people. No "one big push" ever succeeds fully. No matter what you are going to have a painful period where you zero in on what's most effective.

A starting point would be a movement to stop mental illness stigma. We have bullying prevention and all sorts of other social initiatives. Generally not expensive.

Incarceration is what happens to a lot of mentally ill people who don't have access to social support. It's much cheaper to put someone in a hospital for a while, get them the drugs and therapy they need and then do whatever helps them reintegrate with society as safely as possible. You prevent a lot of negative externalities by helping those in need.

I think the problem most people have with this sort of suggestion is that it's addressing the cause not the symptom. Most people just can't fathom that. It's easier to use whatever quick fix is available after the problem becomes acute.
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