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Old 01-14-2002, 08:08 AM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: CA
Posts: 153
Originally posted by jaguar
Hubris Boy - please tell me that was a joke, i htought it was when i first read it but noone seems to have got it.....
I couldn't tell. I've heard so many people use that line "So what if the government can track your purchases electronically? If you're not doing anything illegal, you have nothing to fear. " And most people who say it are serious about it.

It just amazes me that many people out there seem to feel that no one has a reason to hide anything from others unless they're a criminal.

I suppose that none of the people who say these things have ever done or said anything that they would MIND the world knowing about.

This reminds me of an old Outer Limits episode that was just on the other day: "O.B.I.T." in which the government has a machine that can "tune in" on anyone at any time and watch them. Turns out that it was a way for invading aliens to demoralize the people so that they would be fighting amongst themselves when the invasion began.

Now, I know that's fiction, but the demoralizing factor would be, for me at least, a reality.

<sigh> some get it and some don't.
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