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Old 10-07-2013, 10:45 AM   #100
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
And that's what this is all about for ADAK & Co, do everything possible to make that uppity Muslim Kenyan look bad, regardless of the damage to the country and the people.
I don't care if the President is purple - if he has good policies that succeed in running the country, and abides by the Constitution and our laws - then I'm for him/her/whatever.

Let's remember, just for a moment, what party was formed, to fight the slavery issue.

What party was that?

What party did Abraham Lincoln belong to?

What party did Martin Luther King Jr. belong to?

When Little Rock revolted against racial integration, and the President had to order in the 101st Airborne Regiment, to restore order, what party did that President belong to?

For ALL the above, that would be the Republican Party!

What party did all the Southern Jim Crow lawmakers belong to, for decades?

What party did the governors who rallied the townspeople against racial integration in the schools, causing riots, belong to?

In Arkansas, where the 101st Airborne Regiment was brought in to restore civil order and enforce integration, what party did that governor belong to?

And in Alabama, when the governor not only rallied his city against racial integration, but himself tried to physically block it, what party did he belong to?

All the KKK lynchers were all card carrying members of what party?
(can't prove this, but everyone knew)

For all the second part, the answer would be the Democratic Party.

In truth both parties have their racists, but historically, the Democrats have FAR outweighed the Republicans in racists.

That's true in Federal, as well as state governments. So your racist slur is a bit off the mark, Bruce.

And living in the rural South, I have a long memory of the separate drinking fountains, separate entrances, separate businesses, etc. If you want to get a feel for what it was like, read the book "Black Like Me". It's not a horrific account of an adventure being a black man, but you get an accurate depiction of it, imo.

It was a movie as well.

Side Note: The guy who dyed his skin black (with the help of a doctor), did eventually die of cancer caused by the treatments to make his skin black, iirc.
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