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Old 10-20-2013, 05:16 PM   #282
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by tw View Post
The backlash from Obamacare comes from the same reasoning and propaganda that called blacks 'niggers'. The same reasoning and propaganda that convinced so many that smoking cigarettes increases health. Ruch Limbaugh simply does what Hitler also advocated in his book. And that so successfully gets so many to smoke cigarettes.

Meanwhile, Obamacare was defined by conservatives think tanks, advocated first by Nixon, implemented successfully by Romney, and not attacked only for reasons based in emotion.

In the first Tea Party convention, straw polls asked who was most popular. The top three did not include any Republican politicians. The top three most popular were those who invent facts and inspire emotion to manipulate: Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck. That is where so many lies about Affordable Health Care come from. Tea Party types not only believe what they are told. They even tried to elect a witch to the Senate.
I'm not defending Limbaugh, nor espousing his positions. Leave Limbaugh (and the Nazi's and Hitler, and racist comments, etc.) out of it. They have no place in this narrative.

Of course the media types are the most popular in any new party's poll. They're the only one's who are on the air, hours at a time, all across the country.

Most voters (or either party), could not name ten federal politicians, from their party.
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