Thread: Kettlebells!
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Old 10-28-2013, 10:48 PM   #6
Lola Bunny
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: May 2011
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Dumbbells, I mean dumbbells, not barbell. I know what you mean by correct form. I thought the woman on the video did an exercise weirdly. Turned out I was doing the wrong form. I found that out when I worked out with a friend who does cross fit. I guess I could ask my friend to show me the correct forms when she has the time. Don't worry, if I ever to do it, I would use light weights. As for going to the gym, I can't really afford it. I just have to contend with working out at home. Be careful with your forms. It would really suck to get injured. Good luck! It's always so nice to hear someone working out and enjoying it.
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