Thread: Kettlebells!
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Old 10-30-2013, 11:09 AM   #8
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Raleigh, NC
Posts: 2,182
I started doing what they call finishers at the gym. It's what they call high intensity high energy workouts AFTER you finished everything else.

They have a list of 9 on a white board and you roll a pair of die to determine your tortu....I mean exercise

I have only done them 3 times and 2 different types. I have YET to finish an entire finisher

Finisher 1: Breathing ladder - Do x swings and take x/5 breaths then do x+2 swings. So 4 swings, 2 breaths, 6 swings, 3 breaths, 8 swings, 4 breaths etc, all the way up to 16, then back down again.

First time I did that, I got to 12, was able to do 12 twice and that was it - I was having too much trouble with the breathing
Second time, I got to 14 and quit. It was better, but not quite

Finisher 2: Tabata
20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 4 mins.
Only time I did it, I did battle ropes, then swings. This calculates out to 1 min. I did 3 rounds for a total of 3 mins. The trainer stopped me there, but I think I can do the whole 4 minutes next time.

I skipped yesterday's because of my shoulder. On the drive home, I was kicking myself that I should have at least tried. Instead of just being down on myself, I mentally committed to doing it (at least trying) for the next two gym days.

I also punished myself with push ups, crunches, bicycle abs and vertical leg crunches

Who knew I would actually do that??? LOL
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