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Old 11-05-2013, 02:51 PM   #5
Person who doesn't update the user title
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V, FYI, for the past couple of weeks the advocates for HR 522,
the "genetically engineered food labeling measure, has been running
just one specific tv ad in the Vancouver/PDX area.
I believe it will be extremely effective.

It is a spokesman for Consumer Union (Consumer Reports)
putting CU's own reputation on the line by contradicting
each of the mega industries' bullet points.

* Consumer Union has long advocated this kind of labeling
* milk, meat and human food will be labeled, dog food will not
* the labeling will be accurate and informative
* the labeling should not increase food prices
* Washington will lead the nation in this effort
*** Vote YES on 522 ***

The industry opposition (fear - fear - fear) ads came out early and frequently.
This CU ad is running only in the last couple of weeks until voting today.

I think it will be very interesting to see the outcome - I'm guessing it will pass.
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