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Old 11-06-2013, 04:46 PM   #9601
still says videotape
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Little AA fella in my room, short hand: came to me with no impulse control, Dad in prison, and very angry. He's having a good morning despite the Milkies and Chinamen. His tantrums are coming under control. He's earning stickers most intervals and occasionally dipping into the prize vault. The ESL teacher who, imho, hates boys with special needs called saying she wouldn't be in to teach today, but needs to come in to talk to my TA and UPK co-teacher. I could see the little guy was getting jumpy so per discussions with OT I rolled him up in a leaded blanket like a burrito and rolled him around the room. The phone rings. I have to take the call. I tell the little man to go to circle and he actually does. ESL comes in he hops up goes to her and asks, "Can I have a hug?" She gives him her "warmest" "No! Go back to your seat and sit down! Boy is balling, tears rolling down his cheeks buries himself in his cubbie which is by my phone. Long story short his good day goes to shit. Why was she in my room?, you might ask. She came to pull my TA into a side room and warn her that the new boys we're getting are horrible! Gee, I was at the meeting bitch, that's why they're being placed in the behavior classroom with people who like kids and have a little patience. A mighty Fuck You to you.

thank you for the moment of vent
If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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