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Old 11-17-2013, 05:17 AM   #14
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
No doubt that the roll out of Obamacare, has been a disaster, but I can't see getting excited about it.

It's a big plan, and one that has gone through several changes, so the web site creators didn't get the info they needed, in time to do a good job.

Big deal.

I can blame Obama for a lot of things, but the roll out of his healthcare plan, is the least of them. Everyone with a brain knew that sub-ACA plans wouldn't be able to stay in place for long. They would be (obviously), much cheaper, and thus subvert the ACA goal, wouldn't they?

I relish Obama getting skewered for several other mistakes (Benghazi, etc.), but the ACA roll out? No. We just need to settle down and work with the plan. The time for political action against it, should be over, imo. Obamacare might not be good right now, but it could reasonably do a great job, down the road, after it has received the tweaks it needs.

As for his lying about being able to keep your plan if you liked it. Admit it, you never gave a damn about his several blatant lies in the past several years, but NOW you're incensed?

You're a little late for that, imo.
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