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Old 11-22-2013, 06:01 AM   #11
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by Lamplighter View Post
Adak, I don't think you want to admit to this.

After all, this is a man who:

... and should have never held public office:


Maybe you need other sources for your discussions.

Oh, I have them. I never heard of someone with acne being barred from holding public office, however.

Yes, he was removed from public office, but the actual "crime" was way more of a technicality. Truth is, Roger had money from school bonds and other income, ACTUALLY going to our schools and roads, and fire trucks and infrastructure, instead of going so much to the unions.

Here's an example of the problem. We have a retired head librarian. She made about $104,000 per year, tops, when she was working full time. She makes about $112,000 per year, now in retirement.

How does she make so much in retirement? Because our liberal politicians allowed all the city union workers to BUY years of service. So the librarian bought about 10 years, at a terrific discount over what she gets back, now and for the rest of her life. And her retirement amount can NOT be reduced. Courts already ruled on that.

Most county union workers (fire, police, etc.), have the same arrangement, but our county runs fine, because the county supervisors limit the amounts. The city never did, unfortunately.

In fact, our city council and Mayor told us the liability that the city faced was all manageable, year after year. We asked "How?" and got nothing but political nonsense and lies for answers. Finally, a whistle blower told us the straight facts, and it was "Oh, Shit!". The city came within an inch of going into bankruptcy (they took a vote on it).

If you want the inside look at a striking Conservative politician today, read up on Governor Walker, of Wisconsin.

Wikipedia article on him, doesn't tell the whole story, but he's turned Wisconsin business, and the state budget, from bad, to good, in just a few years.

I don't agree with everything Walker believes, but his impact on Wisconsin's economy has been stunning, in spite of the recession.

I had to laugh at Obama's speech as he gave the medal of freedom to Bill Clinton. He talked about how Clinton cut our deficit, and helped improve our economy, etc.

Of course, that was done because the Conservatives in the Congress, had their "Contract with America", and worked hard to make sure those cuts in spending, and those helps to businesses, happened. It wasn't Bill Clinton's idea. He was just smart enough to go along with it, and of course, busy with a certain stain on a blue dress.

It's too bad Obama didn't learn how to get and keep an economy healthy, from watching what Clinton did, during his term.
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