Thread: Kettlebells!
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Old 12-09-2013, 09:00 AM   #28
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Thanks guys!

I ended up finishing the week strong. I got all my workouts in (5 total per week) and didn't have any other crankiness - lol

I was just entering all of the workouts (KB only) into my geeky spreadsheet and while the first day wasn't the best, there was definitely improvement on the other two days. Pretty much back to where I was before I got sick.

I am curious/anxious to see how it is tomorrow with the same workout as above. I am not sure if I will use the same weight for the first half since it was just presses and those were pretty easy. It was the two sets of swings in one superset that killed me, I think. I just have to remember how to breathe again - lol.
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