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Old 03-24-2004, 09:19 PM   #10
Posts: n/a
Oh, you "expect," huh? First of all, if you expect to convince me of the validity of your point of view, I want hard facts from a reputable source, otherwise I'll write your opinion off to middle class complacency and intellectual laziness.

Just because when you look out your window, you don't see a street scene from northeastern Brazil (yet), hardly means that all is well in this country. I reject the argument that the US has a higher standard of living, therefore we need feel no concern for the poor of this nation.

Obviously, you have never attempted life below the official poverty line in the United States. Let me tell you a little how it works. If you are lucky, you'll get some sort of subsidized shelter, but you may have to wait two years or more before your name comes up on the list.* Meanwhile, your choice will be either the local shelter or the streets. Homeless shelters are notorius for incidents of rape, knivings, and other violence.* Many homeless people who live below the poverty line choose life on the streets or camped out on public lands.*

Once indoors, your problems are far from over. The amount of food stamps you will be allocated (if you are lucky enough to get food stanps) will be about $130 a month for a single person. That's a little over $30.00 a week. Its not enough. Always you will be a little hungry.

Every expense will be a nightmare. You won't own a car because you won't be able to afford insurance and repairs. If you are lucky you will live in a town large enough to have some sort of public transportation. If you are luckier yet, you will be able to afford a bus pass. Otherwise, you'll walk everywhere - to the public health clinic which won't be able to treat you for any condition requiring more than an aspirin, to the soup kitchen if your community has one, to the public library (one of the few real services our country provides its people).*

You won't be able to afford a phone or a TV. If you're lucky, someone might give you an old cheap portable radio they were going to throw out anyway. You won't be able to afford cleaning supplies or even the cost of a stamp to send a letter to your congressman.*

I could go on, but you still wouldn't get it, because you can't. You've never attempted it and you don't believe people have to live that way in the United States, and above all you lack both imagination and compassion. In their place you offer glib replies of "I expect" and "I don't believe."

* I can document each of these statements. Feel free to e-mail me if you really want to know.
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