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Old 12-12-2013, 01:55 PM   #28
Master Dwellar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 4,412
1. All my memories of my childhood before the age of around 10 are based on things my sisters have told me. I have have maybe 2-3 but I don't know if they are real. Nobody knows why.

2. I didn't come out of the closet until I was 40 and I actually was a 40 year old virgin. I've made up for lost time since then.

3. When I DID come out, I did it through a mass e-mail and every single response was the same. "We knew you were gay, we're just glad you're finally having sex!".

4. I found out in 2010 that my father is still alive. We were told he was dead by the state of NJ when our mother was dying and had applied for disability. I happened to see a NY Times news article on line with a picture of him and his 2nd wife. The article was about seniors and low-income housing. I haven't tried to contact him and never will.

5. My sense of humor on line is exactly the same in person.

6. I loved my Mom very much but never cried when she died.
Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and the world laughs AT you.
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