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Old 12-13-2013, 07:45 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
good to see you Sam!! merry christmas!

on a different note, I haven't done my own independent research on this topic yet, but it smacks of The Onion.


"Nothing is beyond our reach." ? a giant globe-encircling octopus? it strains belief. But I will keep my mind open as I read further. either way, it is ... amazing.
Nice try, but no cigar-smoking octopus. Actual responses by Forbes Magazine are seldom quoted in The Onion:

Forbes points out that other launches, including those by NASA and, most recently, SpaceX, are also well-covered on social media, but the fact the spy agency's launch contains a classified payload, probably carrying spy satellites, has many concerned. Following the Edward Snowden leaks, which include the numerous ways the National Security Agency has spied on individuals, privacy is a national concern and any perceived act of spying merits some scrutiny.

It also doesn't help that the NRO launch includes a mission patch with an octopus astride the globe and the slogan "Nothing is beyond our reach," says Forbes. As the author, Kashmir Hill, says, it's almost as if the NRO and the ODNI do not understand the public's sensitivity to any invasion of privacy or it is their dubious attempt at a joke. For many, it could be considered an act of trolling, with the NRO playing into the public perception of U.S. spy agencies. The presumed spy satellites could gather communications and data from around the world.
So, is it trolling or just another revelation that can be traced back to our friend, Mr. Snowden?

PS Merry Christmas back at you!
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