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Old 03-25-2004, 09:33 AM   #6
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Originally posted by OnyxCougar
I'm getting desperate.

"One Hundred Years of Solitude". Supposed to be this literary masterpiece. Nobel prize winning author.

I'm over 300 pages in, and I don't get it.

Has someone else read this? Can you tell me what I'm missing?
I don't think you are missing anything. A college English prof recommended that book to me so I bought it, read about 50 or so pages, and tossed it away. It sucked. I remember having the same problem you are having: who are these people, what's going on, where am I, what is he talking about, etc.

Sometimes, these masterpeices are masterpieces for reasons other than "its a really gripping page-turner" or "what a really insightful point of view he has" or some other sound byte reason. I never figured it out, shrugged my shoulders and forgot about it until now. That was 27 years ago.

I read enough of that stuff during college - from Hegel to a whole cadre of deconstructionists who can write the most tortured prose imaginable. I'll take a page turner or a good sci-fi or whatever over that stuff anytime.

I just got to the point where I figured my time was more important than figuring out why a book I couldn't stand to read was really important.
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