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Old 12-15-2013, 08:33 PM   #117
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
You seem OVERLY ATTACHED to facts that are 20 years old and represent a world where a small percentage of cars on the road had ABS. This is not logical
I am very careful to learn facts before concluding. As you learned in 2003 with Saddam's WMDs. In November 2010, the Safety Record reported on a recent NHTSA study for heavy trucks.
Meanwhile, the agency published a second study in July concluding that ABS for heavy trucks, ... are effective in some crash scenarios. ...
ABS were most effective in avoiding crashes off the highways, where the speed limit was 50 mph or less. ABS also appeared to be effective in reducing jack-knife-type, off-road, and at-fault collision crashes. But the study found no significant reductions in fatal crashes overall, and there was an increase in highway crashes in which a truck rear-ended another vehicle.

"On interstates and roads with speed limits 55 mph or higher, tractor-trailers rear-ending leading vehicles increased significantly. An estimate of fatal crash reduction was derived by considering type and speed of the road, urbanization, and ambient lighting condition. The estimate is a 4-percent reduction in crashes where ABS could potentially be effective, or about a 2-percent reduction in all fatal crash involvements. The result is not statistically significant," the report said.
Being professional drivers is significant. It demonstrates quality (and safety) does not increase in solutions that save your ass AFTER a problem occurs. Earlier studies said drivers with ABS are not driving faster. So reasons for some increased fatal crash rates and no overall increase in safety is unknown. Numerous studies included your numbers and then included other numbers you ignored. Why does that make you angry?

Quality (and safety) exists when problems are averted before they happen. Many believe ABS increases safety on ice when no facts prove that; since ABS does virtually nothing for stopping on ice. Why do you ignore what I said about ice when your own post was a reply (in oversized letters) to that simple sentence?

Back to the point. Many know from intuition rather than know by learning facts - ie system one and system two knowledge. Many still believe myths promoted in those GM commercials.

Does safety increase when a car (with radar) sees a problem before it happens; stops the car? Speculation says so. Nobody knows until hard facts (numbers) are provided. However some may assume they can now read smart phones since the car will save their ass. A potential problem created by one who feels rather than from facts. The point I keep making and you keep ignoring.

So you tell me. Will radar increase safety? And why?
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