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Old 03-25-2004, 12:26 PM   #8
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 523
Anything by Jane Austen or the Brontes. Let's just get that out the way right now, then move onto individual books.

The Fourth K by Mario Puzo. I picked this up out the library as I am a great fan of Puzo's work, and this looked like a good read. I slogged through it, hoping he would wave a wand and fix everything, but it never happened. The whole book - characters, plot, every base element of the work was impractical and unbelievable. Normally, I can submerge myself in anything Puzo writes, but this was almost a work of fantasy than drama. If you've read anything else by him - Godfather, The Last Don, The Sicilian, Omerta, The Family, anything - and think you have a good handle on his style and his voice, avoid Fourth K.

To this day, I don't believe the man really wrote the book, it was some cousin or whatever slapping his name to get an entry into the bookstores.
Like the wise man said: Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
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