Thread: Meanwhile in...
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Old 01-09-2014, 01:09 PM   #15
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Meanwhile, in Tunisia:

Tunisia, Feminist Paradise?
By Noah Feldman Jan 9, 2014 9:17 AM PT

I wouldn't believe it if I weren't sitting here in Tunisia's parliament building. But I just watched the nation's constituent assembly adopt, 116-40 with 32 abstentions, an amendment to its draft constitution requiring the government to create parity for women in all legislative assemblies in the country, national as well as local. After the vote, the assembly and audience stood up spontaneously and sang the national anthem. There wasn't a dry eye in the house -- including mine.

This historic moment is embedded in another historic moment of still greater scope. For the first time in the history of an Arabic-speaking country, a freely elected assembly is publicly debating and finalizing a constitution without an occupying army, a king or a dictator anywhere. The Arab Spring has either struggled or failed everywhere else, but in Tunisia, a democratic constitutional victory is in view.
**APPLAUSE** (Because I don't know the Tunisian National Anthem; maybe if you hummed a few bars....)
Be Just and Fear Not.
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