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Old 01-12-2014, 12:13 PM   #58
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
This Christmas I received a wonderful box of home-made comestibles from Aliantha.
When Mum went to Australia, she discovered dark chocolate covered dates, and adored them. I asked Ali whether she could track some down and send them to me - to be reimbursed of course.

Instead, Ali made some.
And sent them with rum-balls, Christmas tree biscuits, two types of cookies (I think) and I might even be missing something off.

The cookies went pretty much as soon as the gift box was opened.
I seem to remember one kind being very much chocolate based, but the ones I had were minty.
I didn't even get a sniff after that, as Mum and Dad hoovered them up.
Not literally.

Mum was very impressed by the dates, she still suspects you bought them because they looked so professional.
Not so much the rum balls; she took against the coconut. But made me laugh when she reported back to me about sitting there late at night trying to ease the coconut off the outside, only to find it ran all the way through. The idea of her hunched over when the rest of the house was sleeping, scraping off the coating, is either really funny or really sad.

I'm going with funny.
Anyway her loss is our gain; Limey and I scoffed the lot. Very quickly. They were ever so good - really rummy.
The dates lasted slightly longer, as did the biscuits. But only by a matter of hours.
The air on Arran seemed to make them dissolve. Or at least that's the official story.

Om nom nom nom.
Nom nom nom.
Nom nom.

Thanks hon.
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