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Old 01-14-2014, 01:12 PM   #329
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Gotta change my hair colour.
I knew I'd have to really, but I did hope I might have dodged the bullet, given I've worked two shifts already.
Nope, was called in for a "chat".

Luckily it was with O, who I think is the gay.
He loves my hair. And I love him.
He is currently using brown tinted dry shampoo to tone down his own bleached blond coiff.

They expected me to change it before my next shift!
Excuse me, I came in to do overtime today and I'm starting at 06.00 tomorrow (more overtime, which is YAY for me) but really?
We agreed I would do what I could before tomorrow morning, but I would sort it by Sunday latest. What I can do tonight is post on the Cellar, maybe watch a bit of TV and sleep.

What I can do by Sunday is....
Well, beg the 'rents to add hair colour to their shopping list.
I have enough to keep Diz and me on our collective feet until the end of the month and that's about it.

Why did I not make back-up plans when I knew I'd be asked to change my hair colour?
Okay, it does turn out that it's a little more stubborn than I expected. I'm piebald at the moment - the back is close to silver, which I think would be acceptable, but the front is still lilac. And like I say, I had an outside chance that because it's a pastel shade it might be winked at.
Oh yes, and did I ever mention I'm stupid with money and wanted to pretend the rest of January didn't exist when I was on my holiday
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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