Thread: Who am I??
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Old 01-23-2014, 08:10 PM   #41
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3,774
Psychotic folks have to operate within the rules of larger society, which is to say: no stalking, no threats, no violence, no planned homicides. My faculty advisor in Toronto long ago emphasized these principles to me. Psychotic folks understand very well that certain behaviors aren't acceptable, and modify their behavior accordingly.

I was given this advice again when I had two psychotic children; one was aggressive and violent. The psychiatrist gave me this advice so that I wouldn't excuse inexcusable behavior. He'd seen (and so had I) psychotic individuals size up a situation and decide to behave appropriately in spite of their delusions.

I've been away for a bit and missed this latest, but JBK can't make threats or stalk and have this behavior found acceptable here. The best thing glatt could have done was to give JBK a reality check.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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