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Old 02-10-2014, 08:30 PM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
1. What is your favorite color?

2. Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Stephen Colbert/Parker Posey

3. What is your favorite movie?

4. What was the first book you can remember reading?
The Little Gymnast

5. What is the first movie you can remember seeing?
In the theaters, Ghostbusters, except I got scared 5 minutes in and we had to leave.

6. What was your First's first name?

7. What's the first song you can remember singing?
About a dozen different camp songs.

8. What's your favorite smell?
Old Spice High Endurance Sport deodorant

9. What was your first job?
Domino's pizza

10. What was the first car you ever drove?
1986 Acura Legend
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