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Old 03-07-2014, 01:54 PM   #14
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Oh you deffo sent me Luck in the Shadows.
But the Gentlemen Bastards have an underground lair (no spoilers) and although the young lad conscripted also has to learn heaps about correct manners the tone is very different.

I probably just assumed I read it because of you, because it's intelligent fantasy.

Just read Pegg's autobiography.
Although his voice comes through strongly he is too guarded. Should've written it later in life when more people were dead. Although there is an episode with a farting teacher that made me cry with laughter for minutes.

Reading The Fields by Kevin Maher. Funny and horrible in turn. Dark story of an Irish childhood (a novel, not misery-lit), interesting to see where it goes, only halfway through.

Learned that Saidhbh is pronounced Sive (rhymes with hive) which I almost worked out, but Googled just to be sure (only to have it explained in the very next chapter)
I have a limited but better than average knowledge of Irish names simply from going to a convent with Irish nuns and fellow pupils.

I would run a sweepstake on how to pronounce Eaghdheanaghdh, but given we have no Irish speakers here I'd be far too suspicious if anyone got it right. I didn't have a fecking clue, bejesus.
FTR both the above are names from the same family, "her Father's dead proud of being Irish so he... makes his kids spell their names with as many 'bh's and 'dh's as possible.".
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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