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Old 05-04-2014, 06:54 PM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Last weekend I was volunteering at one of those work on a needy person's house things. And I had a little trouble keeping track of my tools. I had one tool box and a couple of buckets. And other volunteers kept borrowing tools out of the buckets without my knowledge. So I've been looking online at the cost of tool boxes. Then yesterday, I went to the monthly Arlington flea market and picked up two brand new tool boxes for a song.

So now I have 3 tool boxes, but they are all different colors. So I wanted to personalize them with a distinctive mark. A while ago I read about the origins of the Steal Your Face logo, and thought I would try something similar. I cut a stencil from an old Wheaties box in our recycling bin, and found a couple nice colors of spray paint on our shelves.

Slapped this together pretty fast, and it looks a little amateur, but it's very distinctive.
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