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Old 05-05-2014, 10:08 AM   #9794
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I can hold it in
And Diz has some knockout tablets.

Washed "his" two jumpers (woolly sweaters).
Going to sleep with them tonight and tomorrow night.
They won't go in the cat carrier, but they will go with him to the cattery.
And if he pees all over them then they will go in the bin afterwards; i hope not, they belonged to him and Dylan since I brought them back to my place eight years ago.

Got caught up reviewing old photos.
Gosh, don't you sometimes waste film time and money and emotion on people who don't deserve it?
I can only excuse having so many photos of the Evil Ex on the fact we went to some pretty cool places together. All of which I paid for of course.
All of which have now been binned because, really, I saw them with my own eyes and I don't need to see his face in front of the sights to remember them.

Poetry books packed.
All books packed in fact.
Three library books left to keep me sane/ be returned by Mum.

Camera has no charger. Or at least charger can't now be found.
Dad! [shakes fist]
Cheap digital camera needed, preferably with charger.
Birthday 1st July, address on application.

As I said before, they have done so much for me.
It's just aggravating that my own personal camera was lost and has still never turned up, along with many cables, chargers, converters etc. and now this. It's such a waste. Sigh.
Keep everything crossed that the battery holds out tomorrow. I'll hold off on the usual train station pics to preserve as much juice as I can.

I have a job. I have a flat. I have a £25 Waitrose voucher. I have friends. Good friends.
No crappy camera can compare to that.

Right, back to the coalface.
Bite sized pieces.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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