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Old 05-31-2014, 10:34 AM   #7
Junior Master Dwellar
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Woman photographed driving ten miles along the M1 at 70mph while reading a book.

The M1 is a particularly busy Motorway and, if only in the interests of self-preservation, requires the full attention of the driver at all times.

The speed limit is 70mph but is honoured more in the breach than the observance and you need your wits about you. (See 'self-preservation' above)

Heaven alone knows what was going on here:

The actions of a woman photographed apparently reading a book while driving along the M1 have been condemned as “irresponsible and dangerous” by police and safety experts.

Builder Andrew Stonham, from Nottinghamshire, said he took this snap after spotting the motorist travelling at “around 70mph” in her Nissan Micra, with the pages spread out in front of her.

The dad-of-three, who was a passenger in his workmate’s van at the time, took photographs on his mobile phone as they followed the woman along a stretch of the motorway from Junction 25, at Sandiacre, to Junction 27, near Hucknall.

The 28-year-old said other drivers were sounding their horns and flashing their lights at the woman.

Mr Stonham, of Kirkby-in-Ashfield, said: “There were other drivers pulling in front of her and flashing their hazard lights to try and get her to stop – but she just kept on going.

“We weren’t the only ones appalled by her actions. She needs to be told that this behaviour is not acceptable and can result in death. The road was busy at the time and she could quite have easily ploughed into the back of somebody. I have no idea what she was thinking.”

Mr Stonham said the woman was alone in her vehicle at the time.

He said: “We saw her about 200 yards back and my friend said he thought something was up.

“We caught up with her but we were struggling to keep up in the central lane. It’s not even like she was in the slow lane.

“We were beeping at her and I was waving at her out of the window. She finally looked over, smiled and waved before carrying on as normal.”

He said the woman continued reading until he and his pal pulled off the motorway at Junction 27.

Mr Stonham added: “I spend a lot of time on the road as part of my job and seeing people on their mobiles makes my blood boil – but I have never seen anything like this in my life.

“It’s dangerous. We need to name and shame people like this.”

A spokesman for Notts Police said: “This behaviour is clearly irresponsible and dangerous and, if witnessed by police, we will act accordingly and seek to prosecute the driver.

“Any images taken by a third-party member of the public and provided to police will be treated as intelligence.”

James McLoughlin, spokesman for road safety charity Brake, said: “This is shocking. Driving is the most complex and dangerous task that most of us do on a regular basis, so it demands undivided attention.

“Any multi-tasking behind the wheel is a potentially deadly distraction. We urge all drivers to save any other activities until they’re safely out of the car.”

Nottingham Post

Daily Mail
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