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Old 06-05-2014, 11:00 AM   #1595
infinite monkey
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
MY wife got us started watching Friday Night Lights about a month ago. I remember when this was on TV. I'd flip by and it looked stupid. But it's not so bad. We're half way through season 5 of 6. Like so many drama TV series, it's just a well done prime time soap opera.

I like the idea of finding an old show and doing a marathon viewing for a few weeks.
Agreed. That's what I did with Breaking Bad, and up to current Walking Dead. You have to be careful of accidentally hearing spoilers though. I've also watched Six Feet Under and Sopranos all the way through on DVD, though I'd seen all but the last season of Sopranos when it was on HBO.

So, in light of that, I just finished the first season of The Wire. It is really good, as I'd heard, but I initially had a hard time keeping all the players straight and figuring out the meaning of a lot of the lingo,of both the drug dealers and the cops. Looking forward to Season 2 though, I'm pretty into it now.
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