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Old 06-12-2014, 11:49 PM   #32
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 927
LJ knows the story. I told him privately way back when I stopped posting here. I am not getting into it again, I came to the conclusion that it is a total waste of my time. I am moving forward, not looking backward.

Even if I was bedridden or something, a crossword puzzle would be better than hashing it out with people who are much better at debating than I am. I've come to know myself a lot better over the last few years. I realize that all my life I've been projecting my desire to get along with people onto others.

When I communicate with someone, it's with the intention of coming to a mutually satisfying agreement, an understanding, a respectful agreement to disagree, or some other form of mature outcome that benefits both parties as much as possible. I always naively assumed that all people came into misunderstandings or debates with the same hopes. But now I realize that some people just actually enjoy a good debate and their only end goal is to win. The only intelligent thing for me to do with those types is Do Not Engage.

I wish I had figured this out a long time ago, but better late than never.

So sorry, you guys should put away the popcorn, nothing's going down here, lol.

I'm also not going into hiding. I was here first and I am no longer involved in all the political idiocy that kept me from sharing anything online in fear it would be twisted and spread all over to ruin my reputation. The people I choose to include in my life these days don't care about any of that crap. If I told them all the stories I shared on here over the years they'd laugh their asses off and they'd still love me
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