Thread: Weird News
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Old 07-08-2014, 08:47 PM   #2768
Goon Squad Leader
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two wrongs don't make a right.

slightly longer version:

I'm glad the woman got out while the getting was good. Of course, there's no guarantee that she's safe from this violent asshole, but it appears there's some distance between them; good. I feel bad for the dog, he's innocent. I don't feel so bad for the dog beater, there is a certain satisfying symmetry to what's happened. But! I don't feel *safer* knowing there's some guy out there that tracks down people to inflict the same pain that they've inflicted on others. Oh, and "I really wanted him to die. If I could have found my pliers, I would have twisted his scrotum off too." No, the dog got hurt unfairly, cruelly, but such a beatdown is NOT justified.

We have laws for this kind of circumstance. And the deterrent effect on a future attacker is likely to be zero. Maybe not even this guy, he strikes me as the kind that stores up hurts, incubates them until they're ready to be given back or paid forward once they've had a chance to grow.
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