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Old 07-29-2014, 06:02 PM   #1
infinite monkey
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Originally Posted by Glinda View Post
Several years ago, there was a chipmunk population explosion here in my neck of the woods. Little fuckers were everywhere, making all sorts of odd and annoying noises, day in and day out.

One morning, I was in my garage (really just a three-sided, 24 x 24' metal shed), and heard all this furious scrabbling and scratching over in one corner. I carefully approached the sound and quickly realized it was coming from an open/empty garbage can I'd stowed in the far corner. Above the garbage can, on either wall, were high wooden shelves. Inside the garbage can, beneath the gap between the shelves, were seven - count 'em, SEVEN - freaked out chipmunks.

They'd apparently tried to jump from one shelf to the other and missed - one after the other - and fell into the garbage can below, which was too slick/tall for them to climb out of.

Proof that chipmunks do not have an effective warning / communication system.

I only found out a while ago that some people call chipmunks 'ground squirrels.' I think that's weird. Maybe it's a local thing. But it totally fucks up Alvin et all if you call them that. And don't get me started on Chippendales. (Apple core! Who's your friend?)
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