Thread: Joan Rivers
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Old 09-07-2014, 06:34 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
I used to like her. She was sharp but veryfunny......In later years she started to irritate me sometimes. She could still be funny, but a lot of the time when she was being nasty about people it was just nasty and not very funny.......But I don't believe the later stuff negates the humour of the earlier stuff.
I never really found her funny in the early days, but then we have a strange sense of humour over here. We seem to warm more to what I would term complicated situations comedy - you know like Faulty Towers, One foot in the grave and Only fools and horses - this captures our attention and laughter over straight one-liner style of comedy. That said, I really warmed to her in the Graham Norton show. If she has been delivering stuff of that quality these past few years then I wish I had taken more notice of her.

I remember they showed here, only last year I think it was, the edition of Celebrity Apprentice that she won. I don't think that and her antics in it did her any favours, especially as it was revealed soon after that she was about to be broadcasting a series that was sponsored/financed by Trump - definitely a good, old conflicting interest situation there, then! This aside it's hard to criticise someone who kept going so long and did so so successfully. A cry of 'follow that' could well find itself bouncing off the walls of an empty room devoid of any worthy takers.
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