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Old 11-21-2014, 04:45 AM   #1422
Big McLargeHuge
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: california, USA
Posts: 203
Tonight was back to my staple favorite, baked chicken and rice. When it's cold out I can eat this almost every day, it's so good, and I keep toying with it to make it better. First I started replacing the water for the rice with chicken broth. Then I upgraded to peas, and tonight I added real actual mushrooms instead of relying on what was in the soup can. My next upgrade will be to find a better source of soup. Campbell's cream of chicken and mushroom (apparently a thing now, all in one can, conveniently) is good and all, but I'm ready to see what I can find that's a little less salt and a little more flavor.

It looks a little bit like a pod of sunburnt whales, or maybe like two undulating loch ness monsters in a litterbox, but I assure you, it tastes like chicken.
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