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Old 12-10-2014, 08:29 PM   #301
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Bottom lands of the Missoula floods
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By coincidence or design, tomorrow is the anniversary of ( my / the ) last post in this thread.
And even though next year the GOP will control the House and Senate,
they can't wait till then to play their games, and their game has not changed.

The GOP leadership again says they do not want to shut down the government...
but it looks like they do want to return to the glorious days of the G.W.Bush era.
Back then, big banks could engage in all sorts of risky dealings,
and there was all that $ in the checking and savings accounts of J.Q. Public.
Talk about temptations !

Well, we know what came of that.
The banks lost $ and the FDIC was there to insure losses.
But then came the Dodd-Frank Bill that stopped the banks
from using those public accounts $ for their risky (gambling ?) forays.

Now, on this anniversary, the House GOP has funded all of the government thru Sept, 2015,
except for Homeland Security. Guess what ! Hidden in this giga-bill is a secret little amendment
to the Dodd-Frank Bill. It again allows big banks to use the $ in those public accounts,
and again has the FDIC on the hook for any losses the bank incurs in those accounts.

…All will be right in this forthcoming glorious GOP world of high finance.
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