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Old 04-14-2004, 02:47 PM   #12
Operations Operative
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Northern WI
Posts: 739
HA, I used to work with a gay guy, he was really cool but everybody pussyfooted around the issue. So my co-workers threw me a birthday bash one night, I'm actually doing shots (I never drink liqour), so I'm all like "let's straighten this shit out right now", "Scott, you're gay right?"....and he says, Yeah...dude, when you hired me I had orange hair for gods sake, I figured everybody knew".

Except for me, Mr. Observant. Anyhoo, it was all cool after that and everyone lightened up a LOT now that it was out in the open, used to test out gay jokes on him...he cracked up when he found out we referred to the Vikings stadium as the Homodome.
If you spot a tornado, always remember to point at it, yell "tornado!", and run like hell.
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