Thread: Eulogy
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Old 01-07-2015, 05:12 PM   #13
Goon Squad Leader
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I like that poem, Gravdigr. I'd come to your funeral. I'd say goodbye to you as you left the bar, too.

xoB, your point is well made. I agree with it. But for those "social mastubators / networkers", fuck'em. I'm not talking to them, not directly. Those would be the people I don't know. No reason to snub them directly, but I doubt we'll connect much, and I certainly have no inclination to seek out anyone there that I don't already know.

But there will definitely be people there, the living people, who I'll be grieving with. Those are the ones who have my respect that I intend to show. You're right on target about saying goodbye to the dead, too. And I will, also being aware that I'll be watched by my children. Her sisters and her dad and his wife will be there of course. Probably lots of relations more removed from her immediate family and from my attention. From my side if the family, I expect the only other person who might attend would be my mother, and she's a maybe due to her mobility restrictions.

I don't really know who's in charge of the final arrangements, I suspect it's BD. I'll contact her later, probably tonight, and talk to her about it.

Maybe pictures? A slide show? I just don't know. Music? These are the kinds of questions Tink would be, or IMHO, *should* be dealing with. **shrug** I just don't know.
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