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Old 01-12-2015, 06:26 AM   #1088
sliding down the razor blade of life
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: just over the edge
Posts: 228
Don't know why it failed to start. Called the HVAC guy right away (the one who cleaned the furnace). We drained the system and I have a couple of heaters going. I could see his gears turning trying to figure out why it stopped. Simple matter of hitting the reset, but I didn't realize it was out. The radiators are set into the wall, and the back side is just the outside wall of the house, no insulation there. I'm supremely pissed, but it's done and I have to deal with it. They didn't leak much - we drained the system before they had a chance to thaw. Oh, and today I'm having a chimney liner installed at our main house. (Can I do a Kickstarter for life expenses...)
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