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Old 01-30-2015, 07:38 PM   #40
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Maybe this thread should be re-named: "Teflon killer George Zimmerman"

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS - Sasha Goldstein - January 30, 2015
George Zimmerman won’t face charges in Florida assault case after woman recants

The notorious 31-year-old will avoid prosecution after the victim alleged
Zimmerman threw a wine bottle at her and broke her cell phone during a Jan. 5 fight.
Authorities in Lake Mary, Florida, say there is no other evidence
but the woman's testimony and thus no charges can be pursued.

A cop on patrol in the Orlando suburb heard glass break and saw the woman
peel out of Zimmerman’s driveway just before midnight January 5 without her headlights on.
The woman’s car was filled with her belongings, and police said she “seemed very emotional and upset.”
“She advised that she had been in a verbal altercation over a painting,
with George Zimmerman and that Zimmerman threw a bottle of wine in her direction
when she attempted to leave,” the offense report reads.
“...Zimmerman threw the cell phone on the ground, breaking it.”
Authorities said that in the weeks since, the victim has been uncooperative. When the woman
was scheduled to meet with the prosecutor’s office, she refused, authorities said.

The victim denied that Mr. Zimmerman threw a bottle at her and
stated that she was never in fear of the Defendant.
She also made it clear that she did not want to proceed
with the case,” the prosecutor said in a statement.
“A lack of eyewitnesses or other corroborating evidence to dispute
her version of the incident also contributed to the decision.”<snip>
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