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Old 04-15-2004, 09:24 PM   #66
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
So it should be understandable that people are leery of religion and of the religious. Because while it is wonderful that individuals are looking inward, finding God, and changing themselves, the trouble starts when they look outward, see everyone else and say "But enough about me, let's see how I can make you better".
That’s why many people differentiate between being religious and having faith. I work with a lot of double belly buttons (reborns), that act like they just discovered the vending machine was giving double your money back. They are so thrilled that they want to share the wealth and insist you do it too. They don’t want to control you, they just want you to share their euphoria. Annoying? Yes, but not in a malicious way, more like a kid that just learned the word “why”.
As long as you believe Jesus is your savior, you're ok. If you've never heard of him, ....well, you're fucked.
No, if you never heard of him you’re cool. You’ll be given a chance to get on board at Armageddon. If you’ve heard of and rejected him, then you’re fucked.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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