Thread: Measles 2015
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Old 02-10-2015, 10:42 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
The medical and scientific community need to do some serious house clearing before they place blame onto hysterical parents. The Wakefield scandal did not happen in a vacuum.
If housecleaning is necessary, then posted are specific facts that define that housecleaning and where. With the all so important reasons why.

The Wakefield scandal only proves again that many adults ignore facts to instead entertain their feelings. Why did a majority of Americans know smoking increases health? Same concept. It did not happen in a vacuum. It happens where and because so many adults think like children. It was the first thing they were told. Resulting feelings somehow prove an "irrefutable truth".

Many 'feel' vaccines cause autism when facts clearly say otherwise. No way around that reality - if thinking like an adult. But a stripper said otherwise. Amazing how many adults who are still children can be brainwashed by a stripper. A truly responsible adult ignores or rejects statements that come without the required reasons why. Same applies to an unfounded housecleaning accusation.

If you have a fact (that housecleaning is necessary), then post it. Using statements devoid of the "always required reasons why" is disrespect to adults who think like adults. Similar soundbyte is why so many adults who think like children believe Jenny McCarthy. Same logic also proved smoking cigarettes increases health. That Saddam had WMDs. And that extraordinary rendition of any non-Americans is good. Fox News said so. It also must be true.

Furthermore, since required details were not included, then I can also assume you said anything I want to believe. Just another reason why the housecleaning statement is best ignored by adults who think like adults. Otherwise we must have a pissing contest.

We know vaccines cause autism. Saddam still has WMDs. And that housecleaning is necessary. Because soundbytes order us what to believe - also called brainwashing. Please do not use such soundbyte logic to insult adults who think like adults.

Jenny McCarthy lied as we should expect of an adult who thinks like a child. Those housecleaning accusations are unfounded as also proven by the missing 'always required reasons why'.
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