Thread: Measles 2015
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Old 02-11-2015, 08:26 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
She's been posting about this for 8+ years. That's how Griff was able to get so much out of that "soundbyte."
Relevant points must be recently posted. Yes, one could assume she said that autism may be an autoimmune disease caused by other factors. However that was not specifically stated in the current discussion in a manner that also eliminates other possible interpretations.

I see near zero relationships between autism and autoimmune diseases in previous posts. Due to no supporting numbers that define a relationship, then that subjective speculation is ignored - until perspective (ie numbers) exists to make it relevant.

So, moving on to autism. First, we know from well proven science that little to no relationship exists between MMR and autism. A point that must be repeated due to some who just refuse to admit it. Because Jenny McCarthy lied and refuses to apologize.

More likely is a relationship between autism and environments containing higher levels of farm insecticides. But even that is currently speculation. Not enough evidence (apparently) exists even for a hypothesis.

Second, a newborn child is exposed to many thousands of foreign organisms. The resulting contamination is essential to health. Whereas a parent may be overwhelmed emotionally by so many vaccines, that is near zero compared to the number of foreign infections an infant must absorb to become/remain healthy. The intestines alone contain maybe ten trillion foreign organisms - all essential for health. Not billions - trillions.

For every human body cell, another ten are foreign cells that exist due to environmental contamination. Those many times more foreign organisms are essential for health. A parent emotionally concerned by near zero 'infections' from vaccines should therefore take on a 'Howard Hughes fear' of all bacteria? And then will create a child also at tremendous risk to autoimmune diseases.

This says nothing about a relationship between autoimmune diseases and autism. But it demonstrates that infection from vaccines is trivial to near zero compare to other infections a newborn must suffer and prosper from.

We know that a newborn's contamination begins in the birth canal. Ongoing research is whether autoimmune diseases are created, in part, by Caesarian births. But again, nobody is citing a relationship between autism and Caesarian births.

Third, these vaccines have been upgraded over decades to make a near zero risk even tinier - as Aliantha discusses . Due to some upgrades, some vaccines do not remain as effective as they once did. We know from economics 101 that upgrades to anything take that many years. In the case of drugs, minor improvement typically takes a decade or longer. Innovation takes that long. Improvements (we hope) are continuing.

Jenny McCarthy certainly knows none of this. IOW everyone (except classicman) is now more intelligent than Jenny McCarthy. And this is only a layman's grasp.
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