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Old 02-13-2015, 07:17 AM   #5804
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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My car wouldn't start yesterday morning. I was leaving for work really early because planned to make a few stops first. It acted like it wanted to turn over but wouldn't stay started. Then the battery was obviously pissed off because then it was doing that clicky clicky thingy. It was very cold, with wind chill of minus 8 or something.

My wonderful sister in law packed up her granddaughter, my great niece who she watches, drove up here to get me and take me to work. I just stayed an extra hour, for being 45 minutes late, then the woman I assist goes right by my house so she was able to take me home. It wasn't a big deal, just, you know...

I had planned to take it into the shop today anyway as I suspect I'm losing another engine's been running rough. But now it's gone from 'run it into the shop and have them bring me home then wait for it to be done' to 'call my insurance for roadside assistance to get either a jump or a tow.' Oh, bother.

These are the times i hate being on the lonesome, because I hate asking for help and there isn't anyone who's obligated to help just by having the sheer luck of getting to live with me. Ha!

Oh well. I found out we're closed on Monday for pres day and I get paid, even as a part-timer. So, there's that! (And still loving the job and the folks I work for, which is nice.)
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