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Old 02-20-2015, 09:32 AM   #1
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
Old sew and sew.

I was searching through one of my regular haunts where the site owner has six columns of larger than thumbnails, but not yet wallet size pictures which are big enough to know what it is but have to click for any detail. He comes up with a lot of very interesting(to me) cars and trucks, a few animated GIFs, some musical instruments and antique toys, which add up to maybe 40% on the site. The other 60% being naked women usually with copious pubic hair. He's old school and owns the joint.

Now I'll never complain about pictures naked women popping up anywhere, but honestly, at my age with pictures that small, they look pretty much alike. Have to click the thumbnail to catch any detail. So I'm buzzing through the site and see a picture that completely baffles me. What the hell is that? Naturally I click but still don't know what I'm looking at because I'm referencing the picture against what I'd been seeing on that site for years, That was a mistake, Putin could have sneaked in and stolen my lunch.

I found out her name is Annemeike Mein, and she makes the most incredible quilts. The thumbnail was upside down which didn't help... but Aussie, ya know, what can ya do.
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The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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