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Old 02-25-2015, 10:15 AM   #3
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Now, the GOP has even ticked off the Sioux...
Quartz - 2/25/15

Not on my rez
“As a woman, I’m a waterkeeper. That’s part of my culture,” Tara Houska explained.

...In a press release issued in response to the [2/24/15] vote,
Rosebud Sioux tribal president Cyril Scott said,
“Authorizing Keystone XL is an act of war against our people.”
It was a statement intended to stoke passions, and perhaps rightfully so,...

The Rosebud Sioux, also known as the Sicangu Lakota,
reside on a reservation that includes all of Todd County,
South Dakota, and additional lands in the four adjacent.…

Only in 1934 were the Rosebud Sioux officially recognized as a self-governing nation
—see the Indian Reorganization Act—and thus formally allotted ownership of land that,
prior to the arrival of European colonists, had been their’s for centuries….

Keystone XL brought this hard-won spirit of sovereignty under threat.

The plan to expand an existing oil pipeline system, linking oil-rich tar sands
in the Canadian province of Alberta with refineries and distributors across the U.S.,
would essentially bisect South Dakota, cutting straight through Rosebud Sioux tribal land.

A longtime topic of concern for environmentalists, the Keystone XL pipeline raised hackles,
being yet another instance in which the American government attempted to
circumvent Native sovereignty in the pursuit of economic gain...
Of course, some those bald-headed white men in D.C. may not worry about their scalps.
But others should.

ETA: Yes, I realize that last remark is racist.

Last edited by Lamplighter; 02-25-2015 at 10:34 AM.
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