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Old 02-25-2015, 08:29 PM   #10213
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally Posted by classicman View Post
so sorry. I'm in a funk today as well.
I'm meeting with a special needs advocate/adviser tomorrow
regarding finances for my son now and after I'm gone etc etc.
She gave me a list of all the documents she needs to get started.
I don't even have 1/4 of the stuff on the list.
No stocks, bonds, investment portfolio etc etc etc. I suck.
Stocks, bonds, etc. are part of the process, but... and it's a big "but",
this is an even more important time for you to put in writing what you want
and believe is reasonable for your son when you are no longer around to give guidance.

Attorneys and CPA's are all too often involved with the fiscal and legal side of things.
But the role of the special needs advocate is also to include the
support and guidance that parents are no longer able to provide.
Guardianship, level of independence, religion, parenthood, on and on...

Pls, take this aspect of the process to heart and give it the attention it needs.
This will also get you past some silly notion that you "suck".
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